Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Go north, life is peaceful there. Go north, in the open air.

I know it's not even Christmas yet, but it is time to start thinking about next summer's adventures. What are you going to do? Well if you're like a lot of Canadians going north on a canoe or raft trip is on life's list. A recent article in Canoe Roots Magazine says knocking off one of Canada's fabled wilderness rivers is a top priority for many. North of 60 is where a lot of these rivers are, but don't overlook northern B.C. The area is huge, wild and full of water. Operators say it is one of the few places where there are still rivers where you will be alone for weeks. Watch for a new guidebook to northern B.C. rivers in early 2010 from Laurel Archer. If you prefer guided, which is a good idea for anyone who doesn't have several expedition style trips under their belt, then consider these companies and the trips they lead:

Nahanni River Adventures/Canadian River Adventures: Guiding the Tatshenshini, Babine, Taku, Stakine, Gataga rivers of B.C.
Stikine River Song: all service cafe and boat rental on the Stikine River.
Skeena Valley Expeditions: Day and expediton trips on the Skeena, Babine and Tatshenshini rivers.
ROAM: Among other BC river trips, they guide the Tatshenshini.

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